Professional land surveyors based in Franklin, Tennessee.

Skyline Land Surveying

Skyline, led by Ben Hron, provides comprehensive land surveying services. We have over 20 years of professional land surveying experience, practicing in Tennessee, Oregon, Alaska, and Wisconsin.

Our Boundary Surveys are thorough, involving meticulous research and fieldwork to accurately retrace and resolve existing boundary lines. For those looking to subdivide land, our Subdivision Platting services are comprehensive, ensuring each new lot is surveyed, delineated, and compliant with state and local regulations. Additionally, our Topographic Surveys capture the intricate details of your land's surface, providing essential data on elevation and terrain through contour mapping, which is necessary for planning and design.

See our full list of land surveying services below.

Boundary Survey:

Retracement of existing land boundaries. This category of survey requires research of public records and a field survey to recover existing boundary evidence. Upon completion of these two initial tasks, a Professional Land Surveyor will compute a Boundary Resolution based on the evidence.

Subdivision Platting:

To divide a parcel of land into smaller parcels of land a Subdivision may be necessary. The subdivision process varies greatly depending on the platting authority. Subdivision Platting can be a complex process and will require numerous office and field tasks, conducted by a Professional Land Surveyor.

Topographic Surveys:

A survey to report the vertical relief of terrain, tied to a vertical datum. A topographic survey is commonly reported with contours to graphically report the vertical relief. As-Built features, such as buildings, roadways, parking lots, etc. may also be included.


Most if not all projects begin with research and gathering of record information. Present day public records research commonly takes place via internet access to register of deeds office’s or the like. Research can also take place by contacting private entities, utility companies and governmental agencies.

Due Diligence:

During the course of a real estate transaction or conveyance of land, a due diligence time period is commonly agreed upon. This time period allows the potential buyer to in some instances have a Land Survey conducted and see the results prior to closing on the deal.

Control Surveys:

Land Surveying projects require a control network of some fashion to enable all data acquisition to be tied together. Commonly this is the first task completed during the course of a field survey. Control Surveys are conducted with instrumentation chosen for a specific site based numerous factors such as terrain, tree coverage and location to name a few. Control Stations are strategically set and positioned during this task with the highest level of precision. The control network is the foundation of all subsequent surveying services.

ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys:

A title survey conducted in accordance with the current Minimum Standard Detail Requirements in effect. This category of survey is commonly conducted prior to a conveyance of Commercial or Industrial real estate, although it can be required for any conveyance. The purchaser’s title company is typically the agency requiring this category of survey, prior to issuing title insurance.

Engineering Design Surveys:

This category of survey is used as the foundation for design professionals such as civil engineers and architects. The survey will commonly include numerous other categories of surveys, such as a control survey, boundary survey, and topographic survey.

Legal Descriptions:

Legal Descriptions in some jurisdictions are required to be prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor. These descriptions are commonly either based on a recent survey, or existing legal documentation. The purpose of a legal description is to describe real estate with sufficient detail that a competent Professional Land Surveyor can ascertain the description on the land.

Easement Legal Descriptions/Exhibit Maps:

Legal Descriptions are typically drafted by a Professional Land Surveyor either based on a recent survey, or existing legal documents. The purpose of a legal description is to describe real estate with sufficient detail that a competent Professional Land Surveyor can ascertain the description on the land. An Easement Legal Description is often accompanied by an Exhibit Map, which may appear similar to a survey and graphically depict the description and typical survey nomenclature.

Elevations Certificates:

An Elevation Certificate may be necessary for a landowner to provide information on existing structures relative to a vertical datum, FEMA floodplain map panel, and corresponding flood zone. The information provided on an Elevation Certificate is used by insurance companies to determine whether a structure is within a flood zone.

Hydrographic/Bathymetric Surveys:

A survey to report the vertical relief of the bed of a water body, tied to a vertical datum. Hydrographic surveys are commonly reported with contours to graphically report the vertical relief.

Utility Surveys:

Utilities are commonly installed both above and below ground. Skyline can locate above ground utilities visible to field personnel and locate underground utility markings, provided by others. We also can provide staking services for proposed utility routes and draft legal descriptions and exhibit maps for proposed utility easements.

Construction Staking:

Skyline offers construction staking services for your project. These services are most often utilized when constructing proposed features on a site, such as buildings, infrastructure and utilities.

As-Built Surveys:

As-Built Surveys are utilized to survey a feature, weather existing or newly constructed. Commonly As-Built Surveys are required when constructing a structure to have a Professional Land Surveyor sign and seal a document reporting the constructed location. This category of survey can be used for many purposes.

Aerial Control Surveys:

When utilizing Remote Sensing technology such as Small Un-maned Aerial Systems (sUAS), or more commonly referred to as “Drones” it is common to set ground control. This ground control will be set and positioned in a similar fashion to any other survey control station, apart from adding a target around the position. This method allows for the position of more easily be picked out in the resulting product such as aerial imagery. The same methodology is used for maned Remote Sensing data acquisition methods.

Rectangular/Cadastral/Forest Service/U.S. Surveys/CFedS/BLM:

Skyline is highly experienced in conducting surveys of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) of Federal Interest Lands for numerous federal agencies and native corporations, utilizing the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) of 1975 (Public Law 93-638)…otherwise know as a “638 Contract”. Countless miles of private lands have also been surveyed. Benjamin J. Hron is a Certified Federal Surveyor and has conducted retracements, dependent re-surveys and an Original Survey of Twenty-Three townships on Umnak Island in Alaska to name a few. Skyline staff has over  30 surveys and field notes, totally approximately 300,000 acres that have been accepted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and are recorded in the Federal Register.

Record of Survey:

A Record of Survey is the deliverable associated with a boundary survey. Skyline prepares a Record of Survey for most of the boundary surveys that we conduct. The Record of Survey is the Professional Land Surveyor’s opinion on where the boundaries exist based on the evidence utilized at the time of the survey.